PSWD – Password Generator is the most comprehensive free password generator for iOS 13 or later and macOS 10.10 or later. It can generate strong random passwords with very granular settings. It is written using Swift programming language. The app was inspired by RPG written by David Kreindler. I used that app from 2006 to 2019 extensively, but it looks to be abandoned and will not work with future versions of macOS. Also, PSWD is nearly 50 times faster than RPG as it was written using a modern programming language and better optimized functions. And if you were using Password Assistant inside Keychain Access on macOS, or the password generator from any password manager app to generate passwords, you’ll see that it is much easier —yet with very granular controls— to use PSWD instead.
The first reason I wrote PSWD is simple, but interestingly no password generator or password manager app I used, had that feature: the ability to add separators to the password! In this age, you can use password manager apps for almost everything and you can create very long passwords. Every now and then, you’ll need to enter one of those passwords by hand, and those separators will be a life saver. I had to add them to any password I created manually, so I took the opportunity to delve into Swift and write a simple utility for myself, which I then decided to share with likeminded people.
Also, I sometimes just want to generate a password immediately using my own preset without logging into a password manager app or open Keychain Access and clicking my way through menus. On the Mac, with the menu bar item in PSWD, it takes only one click. And on iOS, it is possible to generate an automation with Shortcuts app, meaning I can generate a password in any app that has share sheet support.
Features of PSWD for iOS:
- Generates passwords with a length of up to 128 characters using any combination of characters
- Has the ability to add separator characters at predetermined intervals
- Has the ability to generate phonetic passwords following a consonant-vowel order, resulting in better readable passwords
- Generates multiple passwords very fast and with ease
- Can save and load password presets for easy configuration
- Calculates entropy and strength information for a password preset in real time
- Has iCloud sync for app configuration and state
- Can share or copy with one tap
- Can generate passwords without even opening PSWD, using Shortcuts app
- Includes detailed VoiceOver design for better accessibility support
- Includes Dark Mode support
Features of PSWD for macOS:
- Generates passwords with a length of up to 5000 characters using any combination of characters
- Has the ability to add separator characters at predetermined intervals
- Has the ability to generate phonetic passwords following a consonant-vowel order, resulting in better readable passwords
- Generates multiple passwords very fast and with ease
- Can save and load password presets for easy configuration
- Calculates entropy and strength information for a password preset in real time
- Has iCloud sync for app configuration and state
- Can share or copy with one click
- Can generate passwords without even opening PSWD, using Shortcuts app
- Has a menu bar item for easy password generation and copying
- Has a global hotkey (Shift-Control-Alt-Command-P) for immediately generating and copying one password, working systemwide
- Has the ability to disable the dock icon, so that the app can be used from the menu bar, reducing clutter
- Includes Dark Mode support on macOS 10.13 and later
- Includes universal binary with Apple Silicon and Intel processor support
PSWD uses the default system random number generator when selecting characters to construct the password. For macOS, this is arc4random_buf(3)
Privacy Policy
PSWD works completely locally on your device. It does not collect, store or transmit any data you enter into it, or it itself generates. It is a sandboxed app and respects the privacy of its users with utmost importance.